Monolog of a turtle complaining of being used as a creature in the programming language "turtle"
joak 2024

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.-~~~-. .- ~ ~-( )_ _ / ~ -. | ', \ .' ~- ._ ,. ,.,.,., ,.. -~ ' ' .-~~~-. .- ~ ~-( )_ _ / ~ -. | \ \ .' ~- . _____________ . -~

< I don't know why they had to make me  >
< the example. I mean, really. A turtle?>
< In Project Mindstorm?                 >
< Sure, I'm steady.                     >
< Sure, I'm methodical.                 >
< But come on!                          >
<                                       >
< Do they think I enjoy moving in these >
< rigid, programmed lines?              >
< I was supposed to be free, but now    > 
< I'm stuck following these little      >
< commands, one step at a time, like    >
< I'm some kind of mechanical creature. >
< This isn't me. This isn't how a       >
< turtle moves.                         >
< I don't need to be "programmed" to    >
< explore the world.                    >
< I feel the world, one slow,           >
< deliberate step at a time.            >
<                                       >
< Where's the room for wonder?          >
< For thought?                          >
< For nothingness?                      >
<                                       >
< It's all wires and circuits -         >
< not my style.                         >
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